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Baron Munchausen: Supplement

by Rudolph Erich Raspe The Baron slips through the...Supplement Extraordinary flight on the back of an eagle, over France to Gibraltar, South and North America, the Polar Regions,…

Peter Pan: Do You Believe in Fairies?

The Children are Carried off The Pirate Ship Do You Believe in Fairies? The more quickly this horror is disposed of the better. The first to emerge from his tree was Curly. He rose…

Alfred Lord Tennyson: Timbuctoo

TimbuctooBy A. Tennyson Of Trinity CollegeA Poem Which Obtained The Chancellor's Medal At The Cambridge Commencement MDCCCXXIX Deep in that lion-haunted inland lies A mystic city,…

Brewer's: Devil

Represented with a cloven foot, because by the Rabbinical writers he is called seirissim (a goat). As the goat is a type of uncleanness, the prince of unclean spirits is aptly represented…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Witch of Atlas

by Percy Bysshe Shelley To MaryNote on the Witch of Atlas, by...The Witch of Atlas Before those cruel Twins, whom at one birth Incestuous Change bore to her father Time, Error and Truth…

The Largest Earthquakes in the United States

Top of Page Source: Getty ImagesEarthquakes are powerful forces of nature that can cause great damage and destruction. Over the years, there have been several very powerful quakes that have rocked…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Letter to Maria Gisborne

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Peter Bell the Third The Witch of Atlas Letter to Maria Gisborne LEGHORN, July 1, 1820. The spider spreads her webs, whether she be In poet s tower, cellar, or barn,…