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Timrod, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Timrod, Henry, 1828–67, American poet, b. Charleston, S.C., studied at the Univ. of Georgia. He was known as “the laureate of the Confederacy.” Timrod became editor of the Columbia…

State Natives

The Question: I find the site great, but I couldn't find what I was looking for, and maybe you guys could help with that. I'm trying to collect the adjectives for the people…

Benjamin Ryan TILLMAN, Congress, SC (1847-1918)

Senate Years of Service: 1895-1918 Party: Democrat TILLMAN Benjamin Ryan , a Senator from South Carolina; born near Trenton, Edgefield County, S.C., August 11, 1847; pursued an academic course…

Names of State Residents

Alabama Alabamian, Alabaman Alaska AlaskanArizona Arizonan, ArizonianArkansas Arkansan California CalifornianColorado Coloradan, ColoradoanConnecticut Connecticuter; NutmeggerDelaware…

South Carolina

South Carolina State Information Capital: Columbia  Official Name: South Carolina Organized as a territory/republic: 1663 Entered Union (rank): May 23, 1663 (8th state) Present constitution…