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Holidays: Religious and Secular, 2006

In the United States, there are ten federal holidays set by law. Four are set by date (New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, and Christmas Day). The other six are set by a day of the week…

Holidays: Religious and Secular, 2007

In the United States, there are ten federal holidays set by law. Four are set by date (New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, and Christmas Day). The other six are set by a day of the week…

U.K. Holidays: Religious and Secular, 2008

Society and Culture > Calendar & Holidays   Related Links Holidays: Frequently Asked Questions National Holidays Around the World Holiday Census Facts   In England and Wales there are…

Anglo-Norman literature

(Encyclopedia) Anglo-Norman literature, body of literature written in England, in the French dialect known as Anglo-Norman, from c.1100 to c.1250. Initiated at the court of Henry I, it was supported…

benefit of clergy

(Encyclopedia) benefit of clergy, term originally applied to the exemption of Christian clerics from criminal prosecution in the secular courts. The privilege was established by the 12th cent., and…

Medwall, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Medwall, Henry, fl. 1486, first known English vernacular dramatist. He was chaplain to Cardinal Morton. His Fulgens and Lucrece (1497), whose heroine must choose between two suitors,…

Exeter Book

(Encyclopedia) Exeter Book, manuscript volume of Old English religious and secular poetry, of various dates of composition, compiled c.975 and given to Exeter Cathedral by Bishop Leofric (d. 1072).…

Binchois, Gilles

(Encyclopedia) Binchois, GillesBinchois, Gilleszhēl băNshwäˈ [key], c.1400–1460, Flemish composer. From about 1430 until his death Binchois served Philip the Good of Burgundy. His secular chansons…