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Reform School

A primer on the political party founded by Ross Perot and boosted by the governorship of Jesse Ventura by Elissa Haney The Reform Party logo. Infoplease Links Campaign 2000 FactsheetFacts About…

School Daze

Some schools in the U.S. are opting for later start times so students can get more sleep. By Jennie Wood Students taking a testRelated Links Tools for School…

Brewer's: Schools

The six old schools: Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Charterhouse, Westminster, and Rugby. Some add St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors', and Shrewsbury. The six modern schools: Marlborough,…


(Encyclopedia) school, term commonly referring to institutions of pre-college formal education. It also properly includes colleges, universities, and many types of special training establishments (…

Favorite School Subjects

Among children age 6-11 Subject % Who Chose Particular Subject All Boys Girls Age 6–7 Age 8–9 Age 10–11 Math 25.4% 28.9% 21.6%…

Recess: School's Out

Director: Chuck Sheetz Writer: Jonathan Greenberg Walt Disney; G; 84 minutes Release: 2/01 Voices of: Ricky D'Shon, James Wood, Melissa Joan Hart Recess is meant to be…

Brewer's: Boarding School

I am going to boarding school. Going to prison to be taught good behaviour. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BoardsBoard School (A) A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Bolognese School

There were three periods to the Bolognese School in painting- the Early, the Roman, and the Eclectic. The first was founded by Marco Zoppo, in the fifteenth century, and its best exponent…

Back to School Center

Calculate Distance Latitude and Longitude Roman Numeral Challenge Spelling Challenge Conversion Calculator Word Quiz: opprobrium Periodic Table…

Brewer's: Cockney School

Leigh Hunt, Hazlitt, Shelley, and Keats; so called by Lockhart. (1817.) “If I may be permitted to have the honour of christening it, it may be henceforth referred to by the designation of…