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Animal Hall of Fame

Land mammal: African elephants weigh up to 14,000 pounds and can eat as much as 600 pounds of food a day! Their trunks contain as many as 100,000 different muscles. Marine mammal: The blue whale…


Vertebrates and Invertebrates Warm-blooded animals regulate their own body temperatures; their bodies use energy to maintain a constant temperature. Cold-blooded animals depend on their…

amphibian, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) amphibian, in zoology, cold-blooded vertebrate animal of the class Amphibia. There are three living orders of amphibians: the frogs and toads (order Anura, or Salientia), the…

<i>Spinosaurus vs. T. rex</i>

The ultimate grudge match? by Holly Hartman Related Links Dinosaur CentralDinosaur Hall of FameDid Birds Evolve from Dinosaurs?Cretaceous period In the movie Jurassic Park…

Classification of the Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs (“terrible lizards”) belong to a large group of reptiles called Archosauria (“ruling reptiles”). They are classified into two distinct orders, which are distinguished by their pelvic…

First Discovered:

IguanodonMeaning of Name:“iguana tooth”Period: Triassic Period (240 to 205 million years ago)Size: 9 - 10 meters longWeight: 4.5 - 5.5 metric tonsLocation:England, Belgium, Germany, Spain,…


(Encyclopedia) alligator, large aquatic reptile of the genus Alligator, in the same order as the crocodile. There are two species—a large type found in the S United States and a small type found in E…

Animal Hall of Fame Slideshows

The following slideshows illustrate the biggest, smallest, meanest, and fastest animals on Earth Related Links Animal Groups Animal Names: Male, Female, and Young…