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Brewer's: Quit Rent

A rent formerly paid by a tenant whereby he was released from feudal service. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894QuixadaQuit A B C D E F G H I J K L…

Brewer's: Quixada

(Gutierre). Lord of Villagarcia. He discharged a javelin at Sire de Haburdin with such force as to pierce the left shoulder, overthrow the knight, and pin him to the ground. Don Quixote…

Brewer's: Quit

Discharged from an obligation, “acquitted.” To John I owed great obligation; But John unhappily thought fit To publish it to all the nation- Now I and John are fairly quit. Prior. Cry…

Homework Help: Common Sense: Appendix

Appendix Since the publication of the first edition of this pamphlet, or rather, on the same day on which it came out, the King's Speech made its appearance in this city. Had the spirit of…

Common Sense: Appendix

No 5 Since the publication of the first edition of this pamphlet, or rather, on the same day on which it came out, the King's Speech made its appearance in this city. Had the spirit of…