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Below is a list of crime statistics in the United States, which includes total arrests, number of persons executed, hate crime and murder victims, law enforcement…

Crime Rate by State, 2006

(rate per 100,000 inhabitants) The following table shows the U.S. crime rate by state during 2006 for offenses that include violent crime, property crime, rape,…

Number of Crimes 2005–2007

Number of crimes recorded by the police in 2005/06 and 2006/07 Crime Number of crimes (thousands) % change 2005/06 2006/07 2005/06 to 2006/07 Violence againt the person (VAP)…

Crime Rate by State, 2007

(rate per 100,000 inhabitants) The following table lists the violent crime, murder, forcible rape, robbery, and property crime rate of each state in the United States…

Safest and Most Dangerous States

In general, Americans have seen a decline in crime since a peak in the late 1900s (although it sometimes seem that crime is on the rise). The violent crime rate is half what it was in the early 1990s…

May 1999 News and Events

1999 News Month-By-MonthWorldThree American G.I. Prisoners Freed (May 2): Milosevic releases men following appeal from Rev. Jesse Jackson. Soldiers in good health despite 31 days of…


  Minnesota State Facts Capital: St. Paul Official Name: Minnesota Entered Union (rank): May 11th, 1858 (32nd) Present constitution adopted: 1858. State abbreviation/Postal code: Minn/MN State…