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On a Political Prisoner

On a Political PrisonerShe that but little patience knew, From childhood on, had now so much A grey gull lost its fear and flew Down to her cell and there alit, And there endured her fingers…

Prisoner of the Mountains

Director: Sergei BodrovWriters: Arif Aliev, Sergei Bodrov and Boris GillerDirector of Photography:Pavel LebeshevEditors:Olga Grinshpun, Vera Kruglova and Alan BarilMusic:Leonid…

The Spanish Prisoner

Director/Writer: David Mamet Director of Photography: Gabriel Beristain Editor: Barbara Tulliver Music: Carter Burwell Production Designer: Tim Galvin Producer: Jean…

Brewer's: Prisoner at the Bar

The prisoner in the dock, who is on his trial; so called because anciently he stood at the bar which separated the barristers from the common pleaders. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Prisoner of Chillon:

Francois de Bonnivard, a Frenchman confined for six years in the dungeon of the Chateau de Chillon, by Charles III, of Savoy. Lord Byron, in his poem so called, has welded together this…

The Devil's Dictionary: Prison

by Ambrose Bierce PRIMATEPRIVATEPRISON -n. A place of punishments and rewards. The poet assures us that - "Stone walls do not a prison make," but a combination of the stone wall,…

American Prisoners of War

Congress defines a prisoner of war as a person who, while serving on active military, naval, or air service, is forcibly detained or interned in the…

prisoner of war

(Encyclopedia) prisoner of war, in international law, person captured by a belligerent while fighting in the military. International law includes rules on the treatment of prisoners of war but…

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Read a review of the movie and take the quizzes to test your knowledge More Stuff Harry Potter PlaylistsHarry Potter Banned?Harry Potter Movies!Harry Potter Hangman!Prisoner of…

Chauncey Judd: Prison Life

Newgate Afterward Prison Life Let us draw a picture of daily prison life in the Newgate of Connecticut One hundred years ago. At daybreak, summer and winter, the heavy iron trap-door…