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Brewer's: Preserver

[Soter]. Ptolemy I. of Egypt was called Soter by the Rhodians, because he compelled Demetrios to raise the siege of Rhodes. (B.C. 367, 323-285.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

National Preserves

Name and location Total acreageAniakchak (Alaska) 465,603.00Bering Land Bridge (Alaska) 2,697,393.11Big Cypress (Fla.) 720,565.67Big Thicket (Tex.) 97,168.03Craters of the Moon (Idaho)410,000…

Farmer: On the Preservation of Parties

On the Preservation of PartiesFarmer18 March 1788by FarmerSee also Federalist No. 10On the Preservation of Parties, Public Liberty DependsThe opposite qualities of the first confederation…

Preserving Civil Liberties

by Eleanor Roosevelt Address To The members of the American Civil Liberties Union Ladies and Gentlemen: I am glad you gave an award to the press tonight, because that gave them the…

Brewer's: Life Preserver

(A). A buoyant jacket, belt, or other appliance, to support the human body in water; also a loaded staff or knuckle-duster for self-defence. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Lightning Preservers

The most approved classical preservatives against lightning were the eagle, the sea-calf, and the laurel. Jupiter chose the first, Augustus Caesar the second, and Tiberius the third. (…

Noatak National Preserve

(Encyclopedia) Noatak National Preserve, 6,569,904 acres (2,660,811 hectares), N Alaska. The preserve is the largest mountain-ringed river basin in the United States that is still virtually…

Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve

(Encyclopedia) Aniakchak National Monument and PreserveAniakchak National Monument and Preserveănēăkˈchăk [key], on the Alaska Peninsula, SW Alaska. Located in the Aleutian Range, the monument (137,…

Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve

(Encyclopedia) Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, 2,526,512 acres (1,022,879 hectares), E central Alaska. The preserve, which protects the two river basins, near the Canadian border, contains…

Lake Clark National Park and Preserve

(Encyclopedia) Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, S Alaska. Located across Cook Inlet from Anchorage, the park (2,619,733 acres/1,060,621 hectares) and adjacent preserve (1,410,325 acres/570,982…