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Brewer's: Garlick

is said to destroy the magnetic power of the loadstone. This notion, though proved to be erroneous, has the sanction of Pliny, Solinus, Ptolemy, Plutarch, Albertus, Mathiolas, Rueus,…

Brewer's: Hind

Emblematic of St. Giles, because “a heaven-directed hind went daily to give him milk in the desert, near the mouth of the Rhone.” (See Hart.) The hind of Sertorius. Sertorius was invited…

Brewer's: Hugger-mugger

The primary meaning is clandestinely. The secondary meaning is disorderly, in a slovenly manner. To hugger is to lie in ambush, from the Danish hug, huger, huggring, to squat on the ground…

Brewer's: Crocodile

(3 syl.). A symbol of deity among the Egyptians, because it is the only aquatic animal, says Plutarch, which has its eyes covered with a thin transparent membrane, by reason of which it…

Brewer's: Cicero

So called from the Latin, cicer (a wart or vetch). Plutarch says “a flat excrescence on the tip of his nose gave him this name.” His real name was (Tullius) Tully. La Bouche de Ciceron.…

Brewer's: Strike

(A). A federation of workmen to quit work unless the masters will submit to certain stated conditions. To strike is to leave off work, as stated above. (Anglo-Saxon, stric-an, to go.) “Co-…

Brewer's: Frozen Words

appears to have been a household joke with the ancient Greeks, for Antiphanes applies it to the discourses of Plato: “As the cold of certain cities is so intense that it freezes the very…

Brewer's: Narcissus

(The). This charming flower is named from the son of Cephisus. This beautiful youth saw his reflection in a fountain, and thought it the presiding nymph of the place. He tried to reach it…


(Encyclopedia) translation [Lat.,=carrying across], the rendering of a text into another language. Applied to literature, the term connotes the art of recomposing a work in another language without…

Brewer's: Left

unlucky, Right lucky. The augur among the Romans having taken his stand on the Capitoline Hill, and marked out with his wand the space of the heavens to be the field of observation,…