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Table of Geological Periods

It is generally assumed that planets are formed by the accretion of gas and dust in a cosmic cloud, but there is no way of estimating the length of this process. Our Earth acquired its present size…


(Encyclopedia) morainemorainemərānˈ [key], a formation composed of unsorted and unbedded rock and soil debris called till, which was deposited by a glacier. The till that falls on the sides of a…


(Encyclopedia) mammoth, name for several large prehistoric relatives (genus Mammuthus) of modern elephants which ranged over Eurasia and North America in the Pleistocene epoch. The shoulder height of…


(Encyclopedia) cuestacuestakwĕsˈtə [key], asymmetric ridge characterized by a short, steep escarpment on one side, and a long, gentle slope on the other. The steep side exposes the edge of erosion-…

Piltdown man

(Encyclopedia) Piltdown man, name given to human remains found during excavations (1908–15) at Piltdown, Sussex, England, by Charles Dawson. The find led to much speculation and argument. Since they…

Salton Sea

(Encyclopedia) Salton SeaSalton Seasôlˈtən [key], saline lake, 370 sq mi (958 sq km), northern part of the Imperial Valley, SE Calif.; 232 ft (71 m) below sea level. The area was anciently the…

Cenozoic era

(Encyclopedia) Cenozoic eraCenozoic erasēnəzōˈĭk, sĕn– [key], last major division of geologic time (see Geologic Timescale, tablegeologic timescale, table) lasting from 65 million years ago to the…

Ice Age Haute Couture

And other recent science discoveries by Otto Johnson More Discoveries Introduction Antisocial Brain Tissue DeficitNew Orleans, the New Atlantis?First Cloned PigletsSnakes with Legs?Our Ancestors…

Canadian Shield

(Encyclopedia) Canadian Shield or Laurentian PlateauLaurentian Plateaulôrĕnˈchən [key], U-shaped region of ancient rock, the nucleus of North America, stretching N from the Great Lakes to the Arctic…


(Encyclopedia) loessloesslĕs, lōˈəs, Ger. lös [key], unstratified soil deposit of varying thickness, usually yellowish and composed of fine-grained angular mineral particles mixed with clay. It is…