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Mountains Quiz

Geography Quiz Country CapitalsContinentsMountains Rivers and LakesFlagsIn which country is Mount Fuji located? Japan Peru North Korea In which country is Mont Blanc located? Finland Fiji France…

Rivers and Lakes

Geography Quiz Country CapitalsContinentsMountainsRivers and Lakes FlagsOf the three rivers below, which is longest? MississippiDanubeAmazonLake Ontario is the source for which river? OhioSt.…

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was assassinated more than a half century ago. Take a look back at his life, legacy, and family. John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy BiographyEncyclopedia: John…

The Seven Wonders of the World

Since ancient times, numerous “seven wonders” lists have been created. The content of these lists tends to vary, and none is definitive. The seven wonders that are most widely agreed upon as…


Almanac: United Kingdom Countries and Colonies United Kingdom Atlas: United Kingdom England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Primer…

All About Chicago

Chicago, Illinois, is known as the Windy City. The name may come from the breezes off Lake Michigan or the braggadocious population, no one knows for sure. But its rapid growth from a humble…

The Berlin Conference and the Partition of Africa

Formalizing the Scramble for Africa In 1884, representatives of all the colonial powers of Europe and America met in Berlin to discuss how they would divide Africa between them. The colonization of…

Native American Place Names

The name Tahoe (the lake in California/Nevada) is Washo for "big water." The state name Utah is from the Ute tribe, meaning "people of the mountains." Related Links Native American …