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Brewer's: Cut neither Nails nor Hair at Sea

Petronius says, “Non licere cuiquam mortalium in nave neque ungues neque capillos deponere, nisi cum pelago ventus irascitur.” The cuttings of the nails and hair were votive offerings to…

Brewer's: Chip

or Chips. A carpenter is known by his chips. A man is known to be a carpenter by the chips in his workshop, so the profession or taste of other men may be known by their manners or mode…

Brewer's: Gold

By the ancient alchemists, gold represented the sun, and silver the moon. In heraldry, gold is expressed by dots. All he touches turns to gold. It is said of Midas that whatever he…

Movies and Film: A Few Good Films

A Few Good FilmsMovies and FilmItalian Film HistoryTurnin' to TurinRinging the White TelephoneA Few Good FilmsThe Past 20 Years The great cinema scholar Ephraim Katz, author of The Film…

World's Tallest Towers

This table provides information about the tallest towers in the world. A tower differs from a building in that the latter has floors, and is designed for residential, business, or…

Rulers of the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic

Over a millennium of leadership (good and bad) Take me to the Kings | Take me to the Republic Leaders | Take me to the Emperors More than a millennium passed between the founding of Rome and the…

Rulers of the Roman Empire (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of the Roman Empire(including dates of reign) Augustus, grandnephew of Julius Caesar, 27 b.c.–a.d. 14 Tiberius, stepson of Augustus, a.d. 14–a.d. 37 Caligula, grandnephew…


  Achebe, Rousseau, Yourcenar, and more A-B | C | D-F | G-H | I-L | M-N | O-P | R-S | T-Z   Achebe, Chinua Adams, Henry Addison, Joseph Aesop Agee, James Agnon, S. Y. Alcott,…

Latin literature

(Encyclopedia) Latin literature, the literature of ancient Rome and of that written in Latin in later eras. Very little remains of the ritualistic songs and the native poetry of the Romans and Latins…


(Encyclopedia) novel, in modern literary usage, a sustained work of prose fiction a volume or more in length. It is distinguished from the short story and the fictional sketch, which are necessarily…