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Brewer's: Salutations

Shaking hands. A relic of the ancient custom of adversaries, in treating of a truce, taking hold of the weapon-hand to ensure against treachery. Lady's curtsey. A relic of the ancient…

Writing Well: Paper Chase

Paper ChaseWriting WellPaper ChaseTime Flies When You're Having FunSubject to ChangeSubjects vs. TopicsThe Heart of the Matter: Writing a Thesis Statement In a research paper … They write: It is…

The Devil's Dictionary: Reasonable

by Ambrose Bierce REASONREBELREASONABLE -adj. Accessible to the infection of our own opinions. Hospitable to persuasion, dissuasion and evasion.

JFK's Pulitzer

The Question: What president wrote a novel that won an award? The Answer: In 1957 John F. Kennedy won a Pulitzer Prize for his book…

Rhodes, Cecil John

(Encyclopedia) Rhodes, Cecil JohnRhodes, Cecil Johnsĕsˈĭl, rōdz [key], 1853–1902, British imperialist and business magnate. A trip in 1875 through the rich territories of Transvaal and…

Joan of Arc

(Encyclopedia) Joan of Arc, Fr. Jeanne D'Arc (zhän därk), 1412?–31, French saint and national heroine, called the Maid of Orléans; daughter of a farmer of Domrémy on the border of Champagne and…

Matthew Calbraith Perry

Matthew Calbraith Perry is remembered as the man who opened Japan to American trade and influence in the 19th century. The younger brother of Oliver Hazard Perry, Matthew Perry received his first…

Elisabeth Harnois

Elisabeth Harnois is the ethereal blonde who starred in the short-lived prime-time soap opera Point Pleasant (2005-06), in which she played Christina Nickson, Satan's daughter and a mysterious…