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(Encyclopedia) PalauPalaupälouˈ [key], officially Republic of Palau, independent nation (2015 est. pop. 21,000), c.192 sq mi (497 sq km), W Pacific, in the W Caroline Islands. Belau, the indigenous…


Infoplease has everything you need to know about Palau. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Palau's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture,…


(Encyclopedia) Babeldaob or Babelthuap, volcanic island, 143 sq mi (370 sq km), largest island of Palau, in the W Caroline Islands, W Pacific. In 2006, Palau's capital was moved from the island of…


(Encyclopedia) Melekeok, town (est. pop. 261), the capital of the Pacific island nation of Palau, located on the E coast of Babeldaob, Palau's largest island. Melekeok is the site of a modern complex…

Palau Map

Palau Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles Flags World Geography World Statistics U.S. State Profiles U.S. Cities U.S. Geography U.S. Statistics Pacific Islands Map…


(Encyclopedia) OreorOreorôrˈāôrˌ [key] or KororKororkôrˈrôˌ [key], volcanic island (c.3 sq mi/7.8 sq km; 1990 pop. 10,501), Palau, in the W Caroline Islands, W Pacific. Most of the republic's…


(Encyclopedia) Koror, Palau: see Oreor.


(Encyclopedia) Babelthuap, Palau: see Babeldaob.

Caroline Islands

(Encyclopedia) Caroline Islands, archipelago, c.830 sq mi (2,150 sq km), W Pacific, just north of the equator. The largest islands are Palau (Belau), Yap, Chuuk (Truk), Pohnpei (Ponape), and Kosrae.…

Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the

(Encyclopedia) Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the, former UN trust territory administered by the United States, consisting of the Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands, and Mariana Islands (…