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Brewer's: Cabbage

It is said that no sort of food causes so much thirst as cabbage, especially that called colewort. Pausanias tells us it first sprang from the sweat of Jupiter, some drops of which fell on…

Brewer's: Pygmalion

A statuary of Cyprus, who hated women and resolved never to marry, but fell in love with his own statue of the goddess Venus. At his earnest prayer the statue was vivified, and he married…

Brewer's: Titan

The sun, so called by Ovid and Virgil. And fleckëd Darkness like a drunkard reels From forth Day's path and Titan's flery wheels. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, ii. 3. The Titans. The…

Brewer's: Touchstone

A dark, flinty schist, called by the ancients Lapis Lydius; called touchstone because gold is tried by it, thus: A series of needles are formed (1) of pure gold; (2) of 23 gold and 1…

Brewer's: Frogs

Frenchmen, properly Parisians. So called from their ancient heraldic device, which was three frogs or three toads. “ Qu'en disent les grenouilles? ”—What will the frogs (people of Paris)…

Brewer's: Maunciples Tale

A mediæval version of Ovid's tale about Coronis (Met. ii. 543, etc.). Phêbus; had a crow which he taught to speak; it was downy white, and as big as a swan. He had also a wife whom he…

Brewer's: Narcissus

(The). This charming flower is named from the son of Cephisus. This beautiful youth saw his reflection in a fountain, and thought it the presiding nymph of the place. He tried to reach it…

Brewer's: Latin

The language spoken by the people of Latium, in Italy. The Latins are called aborigines of Italy. Alba Longa was head of the Latin League, and, as Rome was a colony of Alba Longa, it is…

Brewer's: Spear

Cairbar asks if Fingal comes in peace, to which Mor-annal replies: “In peace he comes not, king of Erin, I have seen his forward spear.” If a stranger kept the point of his spear forward…

Brewer's: Werwolf

(French, loup-garou). A bogie who roams about devouring infants, sometimes under the form of a man, sometimes as a wolf followed by dogs, sometimes as…