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Brewer's: Neology

The Rationalistic interpretation of Scripture. The word is Greek, and means new-(theo)-logy. Those who accept this system are called Neologians. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

Definition of Menorah

The Question: Your information about the menorah and hannukiah is mistaken. A hannukia has 9 branches and its ninth branch is the shamash. A menorah only has…

Brewer's: Nemo Me Impune Lacessit

No one injures me with impunity. The motto of the Order of the Thistle. It was first used on the coins of James VI. of Scotland (James I. of England). A strange motto for Puritans to adopt…

Brewer's: Neoptolemos

or Pyrrhos. Son of Achilles; called Pyrrhos from his yellow hair, and Neoptolemos because he was a new soldier, or one that came late to the siege of Troy. According to Virgil, it was this…