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(Encyclopedia) NauruNaurunä&oomacr;ˈr&oomacr;, officially Republic of Nauru, atoll and independent republic (2015 est. pop. 11,000), c.8 sq mi (20 sq km), central Pacific, just south of the…


Infoplease has everything you need to know about Nauru. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Nauru's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture,…

Nauru Map

Nauru Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles Flags World Geography World Statistics U.S. State Profiles U.S. Cities U.S. Geography U.S. Statistics Pacific Islands Map…


(Encyclopedia) MicronesiaMicronesiamīkrōnēˈzhə, –shə [key], one of the three main divisions of Oceania, in W Pacific Ocean, north of the equator. Micronesia includes the Caroline Islands, Marshall…

Nauru, Kiribati, and Tonga

U.N.'s Freshmen Class Fascinating facts about Nauru, Kiribati, and Tonga This article was posted on October 5, 1999. Last week, three freshmen nations were admitted to the United Nations. Nauru…

Nauru Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Nauru Index: Foreign Relations FOREIGN RELATIONSFollowing independence in 1968, Nauru joined the Commonwealth as a Special Member. Special Members take…

Nauru Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members

Info   Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentsDate of Information: 10/30/2022[source] Pres. Russ Kun Min. for Commerce, Industry, & Environment Rennier Gadabau…

boat people

(Encyclopedia) boat people, term used to describe the Indochinese refugees who fled Communist rule after the Vietnam War (1975) in small boats and the many ethnic Chinese who left Vietnam similarly…


(Encyclopedia) mandates, system of trusteeships established by Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations for the administration of former Turkish territories and of former German colonies.…