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Key Largo

(Encyclopedia) Key Largo, narrow island, c.30 mi (48 km) long, off S Fla., largest of the Florida Keys. Along with other Florida Keys, especially Key West, it has become an increasingly popular…

National Marine Sanctuary Program

(Encyclopedia) National Marine Sanctuary Program, federally owned marine and Great Lakes reserves, administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The program consists of…

Commerce, United States Department of

(Encyclopedia) Commerce, United States Department of, federal executive department charged with promoting U.S. economic development and technological advancement. In Feb., 1903, the Congress…

weather satellite

(Encyclopedia) weather satellite, artificial satellite used to gather data on a global basis for improvement of weather forecasting. Information includes cloud cover, storm location, temperature, and…

echo sounder

(Encyclopedia) echo sounder, an older instrumentation system for indirectly determining ocean floor depth. Echo sounding is based on the principle that water is an excellent medium for the…


(Encyclopedia) oceanography, study of the seas and oceans. The major divisions of oceanography include the geological study of the ocean floor (see plate tectonics) and features; physical…


(Encyclopedia) weather, state of the atmosphere at a given time and place with regard to temperature, air pressure (see barometer), wind, humidity, cloudiness, and precipitation. The term weather is…


(Encyclopedia) meteorology, branch of science that deals with the atmosphere of a planet, particularly that of the earth, the most important application of which is the analysis and prediction of…