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Reelfoot Lake

(Encyclopedia) Reelfoot Lake, 20 mi (32 km) long, NW Tenn., near the Mississippi River; designated a national natural landmark by the National Park Service. It was formed when a depression created by…

Diamond Head

(Encyclopedia) Diamond Head, peak, 761 ft (232 m) high, along the rim of an extinct volcano, SE Oahu island, Hawaii. A prominent point in the Honolulu skyline, Diamond Head was designated a national…

Passaic, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Passaic, river, c.80 mi (130 km) long, rising near Morristown, NE N.J., and flowing with a winding course NE then S past several industrial towns to Newark Bay. It is navigable by…

US Natural Landmarks Quiz

/* /*]]>*/ There are 599 National Natural Landmarks. Some are more well known than others. How well do you know the US natural landmarks?

America's Most Endangered Places 2013

The Astrodome in Houston, Texas is among American sites most at risk America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered Places 2012America's Most Endangered Places 2011America's Most…