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Faizabad, city, India

(Encyclopedia) Faizabad or Fyzabad Faizabad both: fīˈzəbăd [key], city, Uttar Pradesh state, N central India, on the…


(Encyclopedia) AyodhyaAyodhyaəyōdˈyə [key] or AjodhyaAjodhya [key]Ayodhyaəjōdˈyə [key]Ayodhya–jōdˈ– [key], town, Uttar Pradesh state, N India, on the Ghaghara River. Formerly called Oudh, the town…

Brewer's: Corporation

A large paunch. A municipal corporation is a body of men elected for the local government of a city or town. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Corps de…

Washington, DC

Created municipal corporation: Feb. 21, 1871 Mayor: Muriel Bowser (to Dec. 2018) Motto: Justitia omnibus (Justice to all) Flower: American beauty rose; Tree: Scarlet oak 2010…