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Bush, George Walker

(Encyclopedia) Bush, George Walker, 1946–, 43d President of the United States (2001–9), b. New Haven, Conn. The eldest son of President George H. W. Bush, he was was raised in Texas and, like his…

Economic Indicators for Consumers

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Web: Investors should follow economic news, since the health of the economy affects individual investments. Yet, sometimes press reports…

Brewer's: Welsh Main

Same as a “battle royal.” (See Battle.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Welsh MortgageWelsh Ambassador A B C D E…

Brewer's: Welsh Rabbit

Cheese melted and spread over buttered toast. The word rabbit is a corruption of rare-bit. The Welshman he loved toasted cheese, Which made…

Brewer's: Morte d'Arthur

complied by Sir Thomas Malory, from French originals; edited by Southey, the poet-laureate. The compilation contains The Prophecies of Merhn. The Quest of the St. Graal. The Romance of…

Brewer's: Foreclose

To put an end to. A legal term, meaning to close before the time specified; e.g. suppose I held the mortgage of a man called A, and A fails to fulfil his part of the agreement, I can…

Brewer's: Morther

Well, Mor, where have you been this long while? (Norfolk). I'sy, Mor, come hither! (Norfolk). Mor or Morther means a lass, a wench. It is the Dutch moer (a woman). In Norfolk they call a…

History of the Tea Party Movement

New Political Movement Quickly Found Loyal Following by Beth Rowen One of several Tea Party protests Related Links U.S. GovernmentFacts About SenatorsBiography of Sarah Palin…

July 2008 Current Events

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/Science/Society U.S. Agrees to…

Economy 101

The vocabulary of recession Related Links Business Basics QuizPersonal FinanceNobel Prize for EconomicsLabor and Employment As the U.S. financial system stumbles,…