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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was established by Joseph Smith Jr. (1805–1844) of New York. He described an encounter with an angel who gave him the text that would become…


(Encyclopedia) Mormons: see Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of.

Brewer's: Mormon

The last of a pretended line of Hebrew prophets, and the pretended author of The Book of Mormon, or Golden Bible, written on golden plates. This work was in reality written by the Rev.…

Brewer's: Mormonism

The religious and social system of the Latter-day Saints; so called from their gospel, termed The Book of Mormon. Joe Smith, the founder of the system,. was born in Sharon, Windsor county…

Mountain Meadows

(Encyclopedia) Mountain Meadows, small valley in extreme SW Utah, where in 1857 a party of some 140 emigrants bound for California were massacred. It was a period when friction between Mormons and…

Brewer's: Mormon Creed

(1) God is a person with the form and flesh of man. (2) Man is a part of the substance of God, and will himself become a god. (3) Man was not created by God, but existed from all eternity…

Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of

(Encyclopedia) Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of, name of the church founded (1830) at Fayette, N.Y., by Joseph Smith. The headquarters are in Salt Lake City, Utah. Its members, now…

Utah War

(Encyclopedia) Utah War, in U.S. history, conflict between Mormons and the U.S. government. In the spring of 1857, President James Buchanan appointed a non-Mormon, Alfred Cumming, as governor of the…


(Encyclopedia) Roy, city (1990 pop. 24,603), Weber co., N Utah, near Great Salt Lake; settled by Mormons 1877, inc. 1937. Computer equipment is manufactured, and many residents work at nearby Hill…


(Encyclopedia) Bountiful, city (2020 pop. 43,893), Davis co., N central Utah; inc. 1892. It is a residential suburb N of Salt Lake City with some…