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The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 16, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 15, 1805August 17, 1805August 16, 1805 Friday August 16th 1805. I sent Drewyer and Shields before this morning in order to kill some meat…

Brewer's: Lion

(as an agnomen). ALP ARSLAN [the Valiant Lion, son of Togrul Beg, the Perso-Turkish monarch. (Reigned 1063-1072.) ALI was called The Lion of God for his religious zeal and great courage.…

William Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus, Act IV

Act IVScene IRome. Titus's gardenEnter young Lucius, and Lavinia running after him, and the boy flies from her, with books under his arm. Then enter Titus and MarcusYoung LuciusHelp,…

Brewer's: Giants

(g soft). (1) Of Greek mythology, sons of Tartaros and Ge. When they attempted to storm heaven, they were hurled to earth by the aid of Hercules, and buried under Mount Etna. (2) Of…

The Congress of Women: The Pacific Northwest

by Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway ArtGeorge Meredith's NovelsThe Pacific Northwest Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway is a native of Illinois. She was born in 1834. Her parents were John F. Scott and…