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Mansfield, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield. 1 Town (1990 pop. 20,634), Tolland co., NE Conn.; settled c.1692, inc. 1702. It is an agricultural and manufacturing town. The Univ. of Connecticut is in Storrs, which is…

Mansfield, Mount

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, Mount, peak, 4,393 ft (1,339 m) high, N central Vt.; highest peak in the Green Mts. and in Vermont. Most of the mountain is in Mt. Mansfield State Forest. At the foot of the…

Mansfield, Sir Peter

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, Sir Peter, 1933–2017, British physicist, Ph.D. Queen Mary College, London, 1962. He was a professor at the Univ. of Nottingham from 1964 to 1994. In 2003 Mansfield shared…

Mansfield, Michael Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, Michael Joseph, 1903–2001, U.S. senator (1953–77), b. New York City. After working (1922–31) as a mining engineer, he taught (1933–42) history at Montana State Univ. before…

Mansfield, city and district, England

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, city (71,325) and district, Nottinghamshire, central England, on the western border of Sherwood Forest. The city lies in a coal district, with manufactures of hosiery, shoes…

Murray, William

(Encyclopedia) Murray, William: see Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of.

Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of, 1705–93, English jurist. As solicitor general (1742–54) he prosecuted the Scottish rebel lords, Balmerino (Arthur Elphinstone), Kilmarnock, and…


(Encyclopedia) StorrsStorrsstôrz [key], community (1990 pop. 12,198), a part of the town of Mansfield, Tolland co., NE Conn. It is the seat of the Univ. of Connecticut.

Mansfield, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, Edward, d. 1667, West Indian buccaneer. Possibly born in Curaçao of Dutch parentage, he is also called Edward Mansveld. He was engaged (1665) by the British governor of…

Mansfield, Katherine

(Encyclopedia) Mansfield, Katherine, 1888–1923, British author, b. New Zealand, regarded as one of the masters of the short story. Her original name was Kathleen Beauchamp. A talented cellist, she…