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Zodiac Signs of the Presidents

The Question: What zodiac sign have the most presidents been born under? The Answer: It is a tie. There have been five Scorpio (Oct.…

Astrological Profile

As Earth revolves around the Sun, a different part of the sky becomes visible. The dates below show when the constellations can be seen on the horizon in North America. Zodiac Sign…

Brewer's: L

L This letter represents an ox-goad, and is called in Hebrew lamed (an oxgoad). L for fifty is half C (centum, a hundred). L for a pound sterling, is the Latin libra, a pound. With…

Brewer's: Trigon

The junction of three signs. The zodiac is partitioned into four trigons, named respectively after the four elements; the watery trigon includes Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces; the fiery,…

Brewer's: Cardinal Signs

[of the Zodiac]. The two equinoctial and the two solsticial signs, Aries and Libra, Cancer and Capricornus. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Cardinal…

Brewer's: Pound

The unit of weight (Latin, pondus, weight); also cash to the value of twenty shillings sterling, because in the Carlovingian period the Roman pound (twelve ounces) of pure silver was…

Brewer's: L. S. D

Latin, libra (a pound); solidus (a shilling); and denurius (a penny); through the Italian lire (2 syl.), soldi, denari. If farthings are expressed the letter q (quadrans) is employed.…

Brewer's: Balance

(The) “Libra,” the 7th sign of the zodiac, which contains the autumnal equinox. According to fable it is Astræa, who, in the iron age, returned from earth to heaven. Virgil, to praise the…

Brewer's: Zodiac

An imaginary belt or zone in the heavens, extending about eight degrees each side of the ecliptic. Signs of the Zodiac. The zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, proceeding from west…