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Ley, Willy

science writerBirthplace: BerlinBorn: 1906Died: 1969

Glossary of Constitutional Terms

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z topAAbridgeto limitabridge/abreviarlimitarAdjournto stop meetingadjourn/aplazaratrasar una sesiónAlliancea close association among…

Brewer's: Eloquent

The old man eloquent. Isocrates, the Greek orator. When he heard that Grecian liberty was extinguished by the battle of Chærone'a, he died of grief. That dishonest victory At Chæronea,…

Brewer's: Surname

(2 syl.). The over-name; either the name written over the Christian name, or given over and above it; an additional name. For a long time persons had no family name, but only one, and that…

Brewer's: Dunmow

To eat Dunmow bacon. To live in conjugal amity, without even wishing the marriage knot to be less firmly tied. The allusion is to the institution of Robert Fitzwalter. Between 1244 and…

Words of Three Letters

Try the Find a Word: Crossword Search Adherent, ISTAgain, BISAge, ERAAntelope: African, GNU, KOBApricot: Japanese, UMEArticle (German), DAS, DEM, DEN, DER, DES, DIE, EIN (French), LES, UNE (…