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Federalist No. 77

No 77 No 79 The Appointing Power Continued and Other Powers of the Executive Considered From the New York Packet.Friday, April 4, 1788. Hamilton To the People of…

Impartial Examiner II

Impartial Examiner II27 February 1788by (Continued from our last)Section 8th of the first article gives the Congress a power "to lay and collect, taxes, duties, imposts and excises." If it be…

Federalist No. 48

No 47 No 49 These Departments Should Not Be So Far Separated as to Have No Constitutional Control Over Each Other From the New York Packet.Friday, February 1, 1788.Madison…

Federalist No. 51

No 50 No 52 The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments From the New York Packet. Friday, February 8…

James Winthrop: Agrippa X

Agrippa XJames Winthrop1 January 1788by James Winthrop, AgrippaTo the People.Friends and Brethren,It is a duty incumbent on every man, who has had opportunities for inquiry, to lay the result…

Federal Farmer II

Federal Farmer II9 October 1787by The Federal FarmerDear Sir,The essential parts of a free and good government are a full and equal representation of the people in the legislature, and the…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 48

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 47Federalist No. 49Federalist No. 48 These Departments Should Not Be So Far Separated as to Have No Constitutional Control Over…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 51

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 50Federalist No. 52Federalist No. 51 The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 77

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 76Federalist No. 78Federalist No. 77 The Appointing Power Continued and Other Powers of the Executive Considered To the…