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Brewer's: Latin

The language spoken by the people of Latium, in Italy. The Latins are called aborigines of Italy. Alba Longa was head of the Latin League, and, as Rome was a colony of Alba Longa, it is…

Latin Abbreviations

The Question: Can the abbreviations i.e. and e.g. be used interchangably? If not, why not? I have always used them to mean "as an example," or "for example". The Answer: Thanks for e-mailing…

Brewer's: Latin Learning

properly so called, terminated with Boethius, but continued to be used in literary compositions and in the services of the church. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Law Latin

(See Dog Latin.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Law's BubbleLaw A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Brewer's: Dog-Latin

Pretended or mongrel Latin. An excellent example is Stevens' definition of a kitchen: As the law classically expresses it, a kitchen is “camera necessaria pro usus cookare; cum saucepannis…

Brewer's: Macaronic Latin

Dog Latin, or modern words with Latin endings. The law pleadings of G. Steevens, as Daniel v. Dishclout and Bullum v. Boatum, are excellent examples. (See Dog Latin.) Maearonic Latin is a…

Brewer's: Thieves' Latin

Slang; dog, or dog's Latin; gibberish. “What did actually reach his ears was disguised so completely by the use of cant words and the thieves' Latin, called slang, that he ... could make…

National Holidays in Latin America

Hispanic National Holidays Related Links Simón Bolívar U.S. Hispanic/Latino Population South American Leaders Countries of the World South America Central America…

Brewer's: Brandy is Latin for Goose

Here is a pun between anser, a goose, and answer, to reply. What is the Latin for goose? Answer [anser ] brandy. (See Tace The Latin For candle.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,…

Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes

Latin was the language spoken by the ancient Romans. As the Romans conquered most of Europe, the Latin language spread throughout the region. Over time, the Latin spoken in different areas…