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Burlington, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Burlington. 1 City (2020 pop. 23,982), seat of Des Moines co., SE Iowa, on four hills overlooking the Mississippi (spanned there by rail…

Federalist No. 29

No 28 No 30 Concerning the Militia From the Daily Advertiser.Thursday, January 10, 1788Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: THE power of regulating the…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 29

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 28Federalist No. 30Federalist No. 29 Concerning the Militia To the People of the State of New York: The power of…

Hudson, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Hudson, river, c.315 mi (510 km) long, rising in Lake Tear of the Clouds, on Mt. Marcy in the Adirondack Mts., NE N.Y., and flowing generally S to Upper New York Bay at New York City;…

Saratoga campaign

(Encyclopedia) Saratoga campaign, June–Oct., 1777, of the American Revolution. Lord George Germain and John Burgoyne were the chief authors of a plan to end the American Revolution by splitting the…

New York, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 New York, Middle Atlantic state of the United States. It is bordered by Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and the Atlantic Ocean (E), New Jersey and Pennsylvania (S), Lakes…