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Marine Corps, United States

(Encyclopedia) Marine Corps, United States, military corps that forms a separate service within the U.S. Dept. of the Navy. The commandant of the Marine Corps is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff…

Altman, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Altman, Robert, 1925–2006, American film director, b. Kansas City, Mo. One of the most original talents in late-20th-century American filmmaking, he created complex, often loosely…

amphibious warfare

(Encyclopedia) amphibious warfareamphibious warfareămfĭbˈēəs [key], employment of a combination of land and sea forces to take or defend a military objective. The general strategy is very ancient and…


(Encyclopedia) SeoulSeoulsāˈ&oomacr;l, sāˈ&oobreve;l, sōl [key], city (1995 pop. 10,229,262), capital of South Korea, NW South Korea, on the Han River. It has special status equivalent to…

American Veterans By the Numbers

Find out how many veterans live in the United States, where they served, their race, ethnicity, and more. Source: U.S. Census Bureau Iwo Jima Memorial Related Links Veterans Day Features Last…

Air Force, United States Department of the

(Encyclopedia) Air Force, United States Department of the, military department within the U.S. Dept. of Defense (see Defense, United States Department of). The Air Force traces its roots to the…


(Encyclopedia) embargoembargoĕmbärˈgō [key], prohibition by a country of the departure of ships or certain types of goods from its ports. Instances of confining all domestic ships to port are rare,…

Homework Helper Fun Facts: World History

History     World History Events and Timelines Ancient History Some Ancient Civilizations 1-999 (A.D.) World History 1000-2000 World History Year-by-Year 1900-…


Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Wars Where can I find out all about a war? Who started World War I? What were the causes of the Civil War? What happened during the Holocaust…

Historical Wars

Subjects Geography History Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources Almanac Dictionary…