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Common Formulas

CIRCUMFERENCE Circle: C = πd, in which π is 3.1416 and d the diameter.AREA Triangle: A = (ab)/2 , in which a is the base and b the height. Square: A = a2, in which a is one of the sides.…

Conversion Factors

Below are instructions for converting factors, including changing acres to hectares, Btu/hour to horsepower, centimeters to inches, degrees to radians, feet to miles, furlongs to feet, liters to…

Least and Most Polluting Cars

The ACEEE's Green Book®, a buyer's guide to environmentally friendly passenger vehicles, rates cars according to their emissions and fuel consumption, and publishes an annual list of the "greenest"…

power, electric

(Encyclopedia) power, electric, energy dissipated in an electrical or electronic circuit or device per unit of time. The electrical energy supplied by a current to an appliance enables it to do work…

Egypt Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Egypt Index: People and History Government and Political Conditions National Security Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Egyptian Relations PEOPLE AND…