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Kennewick Man

Kennewick Man is one of the oldest skeletons to be unearthed in the modern era, thereby becoming a point of contention between the world of scientific research and the world of cultural preservation…


(Encyclopedia) migration, of people, geographical movements of individuals or groups for the purpose of permanently resettling. Normal internal migration has been characterized by a population…

What is Culture?

How we live In today’s society, words like corporate culture, popular culture, and culture shock are tossed around like candy but when you are looking for the definition of culture, you may find…

Human Evolution

—By Karen Barss     The story of human evolution began in Africa about six million years ago and it describes the very long process that our ancestors went through to ultimately become modern…

Americas, antiquity and prehistory of the

(Encyclopedia) Americas, antiquity and prehistory of the, study of the origins of the aboriginal peoples of the Americas. Archaeologists believe humans had entered and occupied much of the Americas…


(Encyclopedia) archaeologyarchaeologyärkēŏlˈəjē [key] [Gr.,=study of beginnings], a branch of anthropology that seeks to document and explain continuity and change and similarities and differences…