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Henry James

Many consider Henry James to be the master of the psychological novel, and his influence on 20th century English literature is undisputed. An expatriate in London from 1876 to his death (he became a…

Basilikon Doron

(Encyclopedia) Basilikon DoronBasilikon Doronbəsĭˈlĭkən dôˈrən [key] [Gr.,=royal gift], book written by James VI of Scotland (subsequently James I of England) as a guide for the conduct of his son…

Margaret Tudor

(Encyclopedia) Margaret Tudor, 1489–1541, queen consort of James IV of Scotland; daughter of Henry VII of England and sister of Henry VIII. Her marriage (1503) to James was accompanied by a treaty of…

James IV, king of Scotland

(Encyclopedia) James IV, 1473–1513, king of Scotland (1488–1513), son and successor of James III. He was an able and popular king, and his reign was one of stability and progress for Scotland. After…

Edel, Leon

(Encyclopedia) Edel, Leon (Joseph Leon Edel)Edel, Leonĕdˈəl, āˈdəl [key], 1907–97, American literary scholar and biographer, b. Pittsburgh, Pa. A professor at New York Univ. (1953–72) and the Univ.…

James V, king of Scotland

(Encyclopedia) James V, 1512–42, king of Scotland (1513–42), son and successor of James IV. His mother, Margaret Tudor, held the regency until her marriage in 1514 to Archibald Douglas, 6th earl of…

Douglas, Archibald, 6th earl of Angus

(Encyclopedia) Douglas, Archibald, 6th earl of Angus, 1489–1557, Scottish nobleman; grandson of Archibald Douglas, 5th earl of Douglas. His marriage (1514) to Margaret Tudor alienated the Scottish…

Rulers of England and Great Britain (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of England and Great Britain(including dates of reign) Saxons and Danes Egbert, 802–39 Æthelwulf, son of Egbert, 839–58 Æthelbald, son of Æthelwulf, 858–60 Æthelbert,…