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Brewer's: Head

(Latin, caput; Saxon, hedfod; Scotch, hafet; contracted into head.) Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. Better be foremost amongst commoners than the lowest of the…

Kicked in the Head

Director: Matthew HarrisonWriters: Kevin Corrigan and Matthew HarrisonDirectors of Photography:John Thomas and Howard KrupaEditor:Michael BerenbaumMusic:Stephen EndelmanProduction Designer:…

Edith Head

"Gowns by Edith Head" was one of the most-seen motion picture credits of the 20th century. She was Oscar-nominated an amazing 35 times, winning a total of eight best costume design Oscars for her…

Brewer's: Dead-heads

in theatrical language, means those admitted by orders without payment. They count for nothing. In the United States, persons who receive something of value for which the taxpayer has to…

Brewer's: Death's Head

Bawds and procuresses used to wear a ring bearing the impression of a death's head in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Allusions not uncommon in plays of the period. “Sell some of my cloaths…

Brewer's: Dog-head

(in machinery). That which bites or holds the gun-flint. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Dog-headed TribesDog-grass A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…

Brewer's: Calves' Head

There are many ways of dressing a calf's head. Many ways of saying or doing a foolish thing; a simpleton has many ways of showing his folly; or, generally, if one way won't do we must try…

Brewer's: Boar's Head

[The Christmas dish.] Freyr, the Scandinavian god of peace and plenty, used to ride on the boar Gullinbursti; his festival was held at Yuletide (winter solstice), when a boar was…

Brewer's: Brazen Head

The following are noted:- One by Albertus Magnus, which cost him thirty years' labour, and was broken into a thousand pieces by Thomas Aquinas, his disciple. One by Friar Bacon. “Bacon…