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liberty, in political science

(Encyclopedia) liberty, term used to describe various types of individual freedom, such as religious liberty, political liberty, freedom of speech, right of self-defense, and others. It is also used…

Fourth of July Quotes

    Founders' Wisdom: quotations from signers of the Declaration of Independence Compiled by Elizabeth Olson   We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created…

Article 1

Section 1 [Legislative powers vested in Congress.] All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of…

The Supreme Court: Mandating Criminal Rights

Mandating Criminal RightsThe Supreme CourtWarren CourtA Court DividedDesegregating SchoolsMandating Criminal RightsFocusing on Personal RightsLeaving the Court The next major focus for the…

The Devil's Dictionary: H


Federal Farmer VI

Federal Farmer VI25 December 1787by Dear sir,My former letters to you, respecting the constitution proposed, were calculated merely to lead to a fuller investigation of the subject; having…

Immigration Legislation

A detailed look at immigration legislation from the Colonial Period to the present 1790–1850 1851–1900 1901–1950 1951–1980 1981–present 1790…

Brutus XIV (pt. 2)

Brutus XIV (pt. 2)28 February 1788by See also Federalist No. 81The second paragraph of sect. 2d. art. 3, is in these words: "In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and…

An Old Whig: What Does History Teach? (Part 1)

What Does History Teach? (Part 1)An Old WhigReprinted from the [Philadelphia] Independent Gazetteer.27 November 1787by An Old WhigSee also Federalist No. 18, Federalist No. 19, and Federalist…