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Brewer's: Gunter's Chain

for land surveying, is so named from Edmund Gunter, its inventor (1581-1626). It is sixty-six feet long, and divided into one hundred links. As ten square chains make an acre, it follows…

Gunter, Edmund

(Encyclopedia) Gunter, Edmund, 1581–1626, English mathematician and astronomer, educated at Westminster School, London, and Christ Church, Oxford. He invented (1618) a small portable quadrant and…

Brewer's: Gunpowder Plot

The project of a few Roman Catholics to destroy James I. with the Lords and Commons assembled in the Houses of Parliament, on the 5th of November, 1605. It was to be done by means of…

Brewer's: Günther

King of Burgundy and brother of Kriemhild. He resolved to wed Brunhild, the martial queen of Issland, who had made a vow that none should win her who could not surpass her in three trials…

Brewer's: Nurr and Spell

or Knor and Spill. A game resembling trapball, and played with a wooden ball called a nurr or knor. The ball is released by means of a spring from a little brass cup at the end of a tongue…


(Encyclopedia) surveying, method of determining accurately points and lines of direction (bearings) on the earth's surface and preparing from them maps or plans. Boundaries, areas, elevations,…