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Births, Birth Rates, and Fertility Rates 2009

The following table shows the number of births, birth rates, and fertility rates in the United States excluding Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Marianas during 2009…

Births, Birth Rates, and Fertility Rates, 2011

The following table shows the number of births, birth rates, and fertility rates in the United States including Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and Northern Marianas during 2011…

Territorial Expansion

Accession Date Area1United States — 3,717,796 Territory in 1790 — 891,364 Louisiana Purchase 1803 831,321 Florida 1819 69,866 Texas 1845 384,958 Oregon 1846 283,439 Mexican Cession 1848 530,706…

Deaths by State: 2011

The following table lists the number of deaths (in thousands) and the death rate per 1,000 people for every state in the U.S. for 2011. Area…

Deaths, by State

(number in thousands; rates per 1,000 population in each area) Area 2005number Rate United States1 2,432…

William McKinley

A Republican congressman from Ohio, William McKinley beat out William Jennings Bryan in 1896 to become the 25th president of the United States. McKinley called for war against Spain in 1898, partly…

Gubernatorial Elections 2002

Gubernatorial Elections 2002 Thirty-six states, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands     Thirty-six states, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands held elections for governor in 2002. Below is…

Deaths by State

(number in thousands; rates per 1,000 population in each area) Area 2004number Rate United States1 2,398.3…