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Cite The New York Stock Exchange is one of the most influential and recognizable centers of the global economy. Get stats on the U.S. economy, the federal budget, poverty, health insurance,…

foreign aid

(Encyclopedia) foreign aid, economic, military, technical, and financial assistance given on an international, and usually intergovernmental level. U.S. foreign aid programs have included at least…

Comoros Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Comoros   Sunset at Moya beach on Anjouan island, Comoros, December 29, 2001. [© AP Images]   PROFILE OFFICIAL NAME:Union of the Comoros Geography…

Economic Outlook Through 2014

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Monthly Labor Review, Nov. 2005, Every two years the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes its latest projections on the…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 SurinameSurinames&oobreve;rĭnämˈ, –nămˈ, officially Republic of Suriname, republic (2015 est. pop. 553,000), 63,037 sq mi (163,266 sq km), NE South America, on the Atlantic…

Superlatives: Biggest, tallest, fastest

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Superlatives Biggest, Fastest, Smallest, Richest, Highest, Driest, Deadliest . . . What is the tallest building in the world? Where are the…

Homework Helper Fun Facts: Social Studies

Social Studies World Facts How Big is Each Country? Biggest, Smallest, Richest, Poorest Countries World Population World's Most Populous Countries World's Most Populous Cities…