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Schnabel, Johann Gottfried
(Encyclopedia) Schnabel, Johann GottfriedSchnabel, Johann Gottfriedyōˈhän gôtˈfrēt [key]Schnabel, Johann Gottfried shnäˈbəl [key], b. 1692, d. after 1742, German author, whose pseudonym was Gisander…Gottfried von Strassburg
(Encyclopedia) Gottfried von StrassburgGottfried von Strassburggôtˈfrēt fən shträsˈb&oobreve;rkh [key], fl. 13th cent., German poet, also called Godfrey of Strasbourg. He is thought to have been…Keller, Gottfried
(Encyclopedia) Keller, GottfriedKeller, Gottfriedgôtˈfrēt [key], 1819–90, Swiss novelist, poet, and short-story writer. His vital, realistic, and purposeful fiction gives him a high place among 19th-…Achenwall, Gottfried
(Encyclopedia) Achenwall, GottfriedAchenwall, Gottfriedgôtˈfrēt äkhˈənväl [key], 1719–72, German statistician and political scientist. He used the term Statistik for the first time in his…Galle, Johann Gottfried
(Encyclopedia) Galle, Johann GottfriedGalle, Johann Gottfriedyōˈhän gôtˈfrēt gäˈlə [key], 1812–1910, German astronomer. He is noted for his discovery of the planet Neptune, Sept. 23, 1846, by…Bürger, Gottfried August
(Encyclopedia) Bürger, Gottfried AugustBürger, Gottfried Augustgôtˈfrēt ouˈg&oobreve;st bürˈgər [key], 1747–94, German poet. He is best known for his ballads in folk-song style; the famous Lenore…Gottfried Dienst 1998 Deaths
Gottfried DienstAge: 78 soccer referee who awarded England a controversial goal in its 1966 World Cup victory over Germany; Dienst awarded the goal after English linesmen protested, but…Benn, Gottfried
(Encyclopedia) Benn, GottfriedBenn, Gottfriedgôtˈfrēt bĕn [key], 1886–1956, German poet and critic, a physician. His early verse and poetic dramas, such as Der Vermessungsdirigent [the surveyor] (…Tristram and Isolde
(Encyclopedia) Tristram and IsoldeTristram and Isoldetrĭsˈtrəm, ĭsōlˈdə, ĭzōlˈ– [key], medieval romance. The earliest extant version (incomplete) was written (c.1185) by Thomas of Britain in Anglo-…Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck
(Encyclopedia) Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck, 1836–1911, English playwright and poet. He won fame as the librettist of numerous popular operettas, written in collaboration with the composer Sir…