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U.S. Voting Rights

  When the Constitution was written, only white male property owners (about 10 to 16 percent of the nation's population) had the vote. Over the past two centuries, though, the term "government by…

Brewer's: Jerrymander

(See Gerrymander.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894JerseyJerry Sneak A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

October 2004

WorldU.S. and Iraqi Troops Attack Insurgents (Oct. 1): More than 5,000 soldiers attempt to take over Samarra, held by militants. As many as 125 insurgents killed. (Oct. 3): U.S. and Iraqi…

The Judicial Branch

The Supreme Court Building. The figures up top include Chief Justices Taft and Marshall, Order, Liberty, and Authority.  Familiarize yourself with the United States Supreme Court, made up of nine…


(Encyclopedia) election, choosing a candidate for office in an organization by the vote of those enfranchised to cast a ballot. In the United States, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, and many other…

The Rainbow Coalition

by Reverend Jesse Jackson Address to the Democratic Convention Thank you very much. Tonight we come together bound by our faith in a mighty God, with genuine respect and love for…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 MalaysiaMalaysiaməlāˈzhə, independent federation (2015 est. pop. 30,723,000), 128,430 sq mi (332,633 sq km), Southeast Asia. The official capital and by far the largest city is…