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endangered species

(Encyclopedia) endangered species, any plant or animal species whose ability to survive and reproduce has been jeopardized by human activities. In 1999 the U.S. government, in accordance with the U.S…

Endangered Species Criteria

The Question: What qualifies an animal to be listed as "endangered"? The Answer: An endangered species is one in danger of becoming extinct. For the exact…

The Endangered Species List

The Question: Can you tell me where I can obtain a list of endangered species? The Answer: Comprehensive lists can be found at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife…

snail darter

(Encyclopedia) snail darter, a small, rare fish, Percina tanasi, discovered by a zoologist who was snorkeling in the Little Tennessee River upstream from the projected Tellico Dam. Dam opponents…


(Encyclopedia) CITES: see Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

America's Most Endangered Places

The Ellis Island Hospital in New York Harbor is among American sites most at risk America's Most Endangered Places America's Most Endangered Places 2011America's Most Endangered Places…