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Brewer's: Fennel

Said to restore lost vision and to give courage. Above the lowly plants it towers, The fennel with its yellow flowers, And in an earlier age than ours, Was gifted with the wondrous powers…

The Emerald City

The Question: Which U.S. city is called "The Emerald City?" The Answer: The City of Seattle lies in western Washington between two bodies of water-Puget…

Brewer's: Emeralds

According to tradition, if a serpent fixes its eyes upon an emerald it becomes blind. (Ahmed ben Abdalaziz: Treatise on Jewels.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer…


(Encyclopedia) emerald, the green variety of beryl, of which aquamarine is the blue variety. Chemically, it is a beryllium-aluminum silicate whose color is due to small quantities of chromium…

Brewer's: Emerald Isle

Ireland. This term was first used by Dr. Drennan (1754-1820), in the poem called Erin. Of course, it refers to the bright green verdure of the island. “An emerald set in the ring of the…


(Encyclopedia) berylberylbĕrˈĭl [key], mineral, a silicate of beryllium and aluminum, Be3Al2Si6O18, extremely hard, occurring in hexagonal crystals that may be of enormous size and are usually white…

green flash

(Encyclopedia) green flash or emerald flash, a refractive phenomenon of the atmosphere where the top edge of the setting (or, less frequently, rising) sun will momentarily turn emerald green. The…


(Encyclopedia) Eugene, city (2020 pop. 176,654), seat of Lane co., W Oregon, on the Willamette River; inc. 1862. A processing and shipping center in a…


(Encyclopedia) aquamarineaquamarineăkˌwəmərēnˈ, äkˌ– [key] [Lat.,=seawater], transparent beryl with a blue or bluish-green color. Sources of the gems include Brazil, Siberia, the Union of Myanmar,…