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(Encyclopedia) catechismcatechismkătˈəkĭzəm [key] [Gr.,=oral instruction], originally oral instruction in religion, later written instruction. Catechisms are usually written in the form of questions…

Local Group

(Encyclopedia) Local Group, in astronomy, loose cluster of at least 40 nearby galaxies, including our own Milky Way galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Magellanic Clouds. The Local Group is spread…


(Encyclopedia) wormwood, Mediterranean perennial herb or shrubby plant (Artemisia absinthium) of the family Asteraceae (aster family), often cultivated in gardens and found as an escape in North…

Homework Helper Answer Fun Facts: English

Homework Topics English | Geography | History | Math | Science | Social Studies English Literature Middle English Literature Anglo-Saxon Literature Literary Forms The Novel Short…

commercial law

(Encyclopedia) commercial law, the laws that govern business transactions, except those relating to the maritime transportation of goods (see maritime law). Commercial law developed as a distinct…

Douglas, William, 6th earl of Douglas

(Encyclopedia) Douglas, William, 6th earl of Douglas, 1423?–1440, Scottish nobleman, eldest son of Archibald Douglas, 5th earl of Douglas. In answer to an invitation from the young James II, who was…