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Landes, department, France

(Encyclopedia) Landes, department (1990 pop. 313,100), SW France, in Gascony, on the Atlantic coast. Mont-de-Marsan is the capital.

Loire, department, France

(Encyclopedia) Loire, department (1990 pop. 747,100), E central France, in part of Beaujolais and Lyonnais. Saint-Étienne is the capital.


(Encyclopedia) Charente-Maritime Charente-Maritime shäräNtˈ-märētēmˈ [key], department, W France, on the Atlantic…

Myrdal, Alva

(Encyclopedia) Myrdal, AlvaMyrdal, Alvaälˈvä mĭrˈdäl, Swed. mürˈdäl [key], 1902–86, Swedish sociologist, diplomat, and political leader. As a sociologist in the 1930s, she initiated a national…

Brewer's: Chant du Depart

After the Marseillaise, the most celebrated song of the first French Revolution. It was written by M. J. Chénier for a public festival, held June 11th, 1794, to commemorate the taking of…

Afghanistan Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Afghanistan Index: People Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Afghan Relations PEOPLE Afghanistan, often called the…

Albania Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Albania Index: Geography People and History Economy Foreign Relations GEOGRAPHYAlbania shares a border with Greece to the south/southeast, Macedonia to…

Algeria Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Algeria Index: Geography People History Government Political Conditions Economy Defense Foreign Relations U.S.-Algerian Relations GEOGRAPHYAlgeria, the…