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Daniel, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Daniel, Samuel, 1562?–1619, English poet and historian. He was tutor to William Herbert, 3d earl of Pembroke, and later to Lady Anne Clifford. Eventually he found favor with James I,…

Poets on Poetry

I, too, dislike it—Marianne Moore I don't look on poetry as closed works. I feel they're going on all the time in my head and I occasionally snip off a length.—John Ashbery, London Times (23…

Why We Study Poetry

Everyone, at some point in their life, has probably questioned the value of poetry (including this writer). Among the many accusations leveled against poetry are that it is frivolous in comparison…


(Encyclopedia) poetry. For lyric poetry, see ballad; elegy; hymn; lyric; ode; pastoral; sonnet. For narrative poetry, see chansons de geste; epic; idyl; romance. Dramatic poetry is incidentally…


Rodin's The Thinker was conceived as part of his Gates of Hell, representing the poet Dante in the Inferno.Poetry is arguably the oldest written art form that we have records of, dating back…

scaldic poetry

(Encyclopedia) scaldic or Skaldic poetry: see Old Norse literature.

Angell, Sir Norman

(Encyclopedia) Angell, Sir Norman, 1872?–1967, British internationalist and economist, whose name originally was Ralph Norman Angell Lane. He came to fame with The Great Illusion (1910, rev. ed. 1933…

Poetry Glossary

GlossaryHofgartenIn German a hof is a courtyard and thus a 'court garden'StarnbergerseeA lake 20 km (12 mi) southwest of Munich, the Starnbergersee was one of Europe's first pleasure grounds…

Fall Poetry

Wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being . . .—Percy Bysshe Shelley Read more verse honoring the seasons. See a glossary of poetry terms. Read biographies of notable poets. No…