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Dan Rather, 2001 News
CBS Evening News anchor, made headlines over the summer for refusing to report the news—or at least what other news outlets deemed newsworthy—about the disappearance of government intern…Dan
(Encyclopedia) Dan. 1 In the Bible, son of Jacob and Bilhah and eponymous ancestor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Their allotment in SW Palestine was the least extensive. The hostility of the…Laish
(Encyclopedia) LaishLaishlāˈĭsh [key], original name of Dan (2.)Leshem
(Encyclopedia) LeshemLeshemlēˈshəm [key], original name of Dan (2.)Andersson, Dan
(Encyclopedia) Andersson, DanAndersson, Dandän änˈdərsōnˌ [key], 1888–1920, Swedish poet, novelist, and short-story writer. Although his entire life was lived in extreme poverty, Andersson dealt in…capital levy
(Encyclopedia) capital levy, form of taxation by which the government takes part of the capital of any person or business, as distinguished from a tax on personal or business income. It is usually…Sokoto
(Encyclopedia) SokotoSokotosōkōˈtō, sōˈkətō [key], city (1987 est. pop. 164,000), NW Nigeria, on the Sokoto River. It is the commercial center for a wide region and a collection place for hides,…Rostenkowski, Dan
(Encyclopedia) Rostenkowski, Dan (Daniel David Rostenkowski)Rostenkowski, Danrŏsˌtənkouˈskē [key], 1928–2010, U.S. congressman, b. Chicago, grad. Loyola Univ. (1951). A Democrat, he was first elected…Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien
(Encyclopedia) Lévy-Bruhl, LucienLévy-Bruhl, Lucienlāvēˈ-brül [key], 1857–1939, French philosopher, psychologist, and ethnologist. He was professor at the Sorbonne from 1899 and editor of the Revue…Golenpaul, Dan
creator of Information Please radio show, editor of almanac of same nameBirthplace: New York CityBorn: 1900Died: 1974