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Brewer's: Pisanio

A servant noted for his attachment to Imogen. (Shakespeare: Cymbeline.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Piso's JusticePis-aller A B C D E F G H I J…

Brewer's: Posthumus

(Leona'tus). Husband of Imogen. Under the erroneous persuasion of his wife's infidelity, he plots her death, but his plot miscarries. (Shakespeare: Cymbeline.) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Jovial

Merry and sociable, like those born under the planet Jupiter, which astrologers considered the happiest of the natal stars. “Our jovial star reigned at his birth.” Shakespeare: Cymbeline…

Brewer's: Cloten

A vindictive lout who wore his dagger in his mouth. He fell in love with Imogen, but his love was not reciprocated (Shakespeare Cymbeline.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Brogue

(1 syl.) properly means the Irish brog, or shoe of rough hide. The application of brog to the dialect or manner of speaking is similar to that of buskin to tragedy and sock to comedy. “And…

Brewer's: Luds Town

London; so called from Lud, a mythical king of Britain. Ludgate is, by a similar tradition, said to be the gate where Lud was buried. (See London.) “And on the gates of Lud's town set your…

Brewer's: Mulmutine Laws

The code of Dunvallo Mulmutius, sixteenth King of the Britons (about B.C. 400). This code was translated by Gildas from British into Latin, and by Alfred into Anglo-Saxon. These laws…

Brewer's: Guiderius

The elder son of Cymbeline, a legendary king of Britain during the reign of Augustus Caesar. Both Guiderius and his brother Arviragus were stolen in infancy by Belarius, a banished…

Brewer's: Tomboy

A romping girl, formerly used for a harlot. (Saxon, tumbere, a dancer or romper; Danish, tumle, “to tumble about;” French, tomber; Spanish, tumbar; our tumble.) The word may either be…

Brewer's: Silence gives Consent

Latin, “Qui tacet consentire vidétur;” Greek, “Auto de to sigan homologountos esti sou” (Euripides); French, “Assez consent qui ne dit mot;” Italian, “Chi tace confessa.” `But that you…