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Peri, Jacopo

(Encyclopedia) Peri, JacopoPeri, Jacopoyäˈkōpō pĕˈrē [key], 1561–1633, Italian composer and singer. Dafne (c.1597), perhaps the first opera, was composed by both Peri and Jacopo Corsi. The librettist…


(Encyclopedia) periperipērˈē [key], in Persian mythology, supernatural being. Peris were said to be fallen angels who were denied paradise until they did penance. Originally agents of evil, in later…

Rossi, Pellegrino Luigi Edoardo, Conte

(Encyclopedia) Rossi, Pellegrino Luigi Edoardo, ConteRossi, Pellegrino Luigi Edoardo, Contepĕlˌlāgrēˈnō lwēˈjē ādōärˈdō kônˈtā [key]Rossi, Pellegrino Luigi Edoardo, Conte rôsˈsē [key], 1787–1848,…

Rossi, Aldo

(Encyclopedia) Rossi, AldoRossi, Aldoälˈdō rôsˈsē [key], 1931–97, Italian architectb. Milan; grad. Milan Polytechnic (1959). He began working for the design magazine Casabella-Continuità in 1954 and…

Valentino Rossi

Italian motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi won seven World Championships in Grand Prix racing by the time he was 26 years old, cementing his place as one of the sport's heroes. Rossi is the son of…

Brewer's: Peri

(plur. PERIS). Peris are delicate, gentle, fairy-like beings of Eastern mythology, begotten by fallen spirits. They direct with a wand the pure in mind the way to heaven. These lovely…

Brewer's: Peris

(See Peri.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894PerissaPeripatetics A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Cristina Saralegui Biography

Cristina SaraleguiTV show hostBorn: 1/29/1948Birthplace: Havana, Cuba Born into a prominent newspaper publishing family, Saralegui came to Miami in 1960. While earning a degree in mass…