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Francis Crick

Name at birth: Francis Harry Compton CrickFrancis Crick was 35 when he began working with fellow scientist James Watson to discover the makeup of DNA, the genetic code of life. In 1953 they came up…


(Encyclopedia) crack: see cocaine.

Crick, Francis Harry Compton

(Encyclopedia) Crick, Francis Harry Compton, 1916–2004, English scientist, grad. University College, London, and Caius College, Cambridge. Crick was trained as a physicist, and from 1940 to 1947 he…

The Crack of the Whip

The Question: Why does a whip make a "crack" noise? The Answer: The "crack" occurs when the wave of motion traveling down a whip surpasses the…

Brewer's: Crack

as a crack man, a first-rate fellow; a crack hand at cards, a first-rate player; a crack article, an excellent one, i.e. an article cracked up or boasted about. This is the Latin crepo, to…

Brewer's: Cracked

Made a bankrupt. A play on “rupt,” which is from the Latin rumpo, to break. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Cracked PipkinsCrack Up a Person A B C D E F…


(Encyclopedia) guenon: see monkey.


(Encyclopedia) guereza: see monkey.


(Encyclopedia) mangabey: see monkey.